Emergency Management

In the Army the mantra goes "you train the way you fight" and what this means is that preparedness is the essential element in any successful operation and emergencies are no exception. Emergency management requires various strategies but preparedness is the most essential if said emergency is overcome. Epizoht Inc. strives to prepare individuals, communities and our global society to not only be mentally prepared but also setup their communities to better handle emergencies. 

Public/Private Partnerships

In developing resiliency in any individual and/or society there has to be a public/private partnership. Epizoht Inc. strives to connect people and businessed to their communities to forge stronger community bonds and incorporate all available resources into preparing them for potential disasters and crises. 

Mitigation Measures

An important facet in responding and overcoming disasters and crises is establishing steps to mitigate future occurences. Epizoht Inc. will not only assist in disaster and crises response efforts but forge stronger community bonds which in turn would mitigate potential future disasters and crises.