Consumer Advocacy

Advocating for all consumers is the primary purpose of the Signal Campaign because its goal is to facilitate consumer recognize their strength and employ said strength to dictate how and where they spend their money and hard earned resources. In addition to helping consumers understand how to appropriately allocate their resources, the Signal Campaign also fights for equity and civil rights for all.

Public Service Accountability

Many of us brave the weather conditions and head to polls to vote for our public officials who have courageoulsy presented themselves as viable excellent potential public servants. Then the votes are tallied and those we thought would better serve our interests revert to serving their own best interests. Then we are stuck with ineffective representatives but given the current political environment we may get stuck with these deficient officials. The lack of accountability in our public servants is troubling for any objective observers and yet we vote against out self interests because we allow our own biases to distort our voting mindset. The Signal Campaign strives to educate the voting public on how best to hold our public servants accountable. Presidents are suppose to take actions that benefit the most people in their nations. In the U.S. the President's decisions do not affect citizens to same extent as the decisions of the Legislative branch - The Congress, but somehow citizens have been convinced that the President is to blame for all our woes. The Speaker of the House is suppose to act as the head of all parties in the congress and not just the party he belongs to. Let's get it right!

Community Enhancements

Another important facet of the Signal Campaign is the enhancement of communities because for any nation to thrive and its citizens reap the benefits of success, their local communities have to succeed. This means making every community its residents' personal responsibility to secure, protect and promote. Communities named after some of the most peaceful advocates for human rights have become some of the most voilent and unsafe. We need to fix that...